The International Pediatric Transplant Association stands in solidarity with our colleagues, transplant patients and their families, and the people of Ukraine, and are ready to support the Ukrainian transplant community in this tragic time.


    Dear colleagues,

    A VERY Big Thank You to everyone for participating in our very successful Virtual IPTA 2022 Congress.

    In the end we had 592 registrants from 60 countries, and welcomed 142 new members to our association, of which many where from less well-resourced countries across the world. It has been really exciting to expand the reach of IPTA world-wide.

    We really appreciate all the contributions from invited speakers, mentors, moderators, abstract reviewers, oral/mini-oral and poster presenters, and of course the audience’s active participation. We thought that the Scientific program was particularly exciting and thank Lars Pape and George Mazariegos together with the SAC and the various scientific sub-committees for all the time they invested in the planning of this program. 

    Also a big thanks to all the sponsors, collaborating societies and the various Children’s Hospitals who assisted in making this meeting, even though virtual, the huge success that it was.

    Thanks to Tomas Seeman who kept the theme of Prague alive.

    Thanks to the current IPTA President Carlos O. Esquivel and the rest of the IPTA Executive Committee Lars Pape and Stephen Alexander for keeping the vision of this congress going.

    Thank you to the IPTA Council and Committee Members as well as our Journal editors for continuously working to fulfill IPTA’s mission.

     None of this would have been possible without the background work by our IPTA TTS support team including Isabel Stengler, Catherin Parker, Katie Tait, Veronique Malo and the IT team Robert Colarusso, Roman Beliaevski, Nataniel Barrera, and Leona Hanemann.

    An exciting new venture is to keep the registration open until end of April with the option to register and have access to the recordings for a year after that – so don’t miss out and circulate this to your friends.

    As we remember the IPTA Virtual 2022, we already look forward to the IPTA 2023 in Austin, Texas and I hope to see you there.

    Best wishes,

    Mignon McCulloch
    Congress Chair, IPTA 2022 

    Mignon McCulloch

    IPTA 2022 Congress Chair
    IPTA Past President

    Carlos O. Esquivel

    IPTA President

    George Mazariegos

    IPTA 2022 Co-Chair

    Lars Pape

    IPTA 2022 Co-Chair
    IPTA President-Elect

    Tomas Seeman

    Chair, Local Arrangements Committee