Promoting the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide.


The International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) is a professional organization of individuals in the field of pediatric transplantation. The purpose of the Association is to advance the science and practice of pediatric transplantation worldwide in order to improve the health of all children who require such treatment. The Association is dedicated to promoting technical and scientific advances in pediatric transplantation and to advocating for the rights of all children who need transplantation.


  1. Promote the advancement of the science and practice of transplantation in children worldwide
  2. Promote research and provide a forum that highlights the most recent advances in clinical and basic sciences related to pediatric transplantation
  3. Serve as a unified voice for the special needs of pediatric transplant recipients
  4. Develop educational programs for pediatric transplant professionals in underserved regions of the world that enable children to have access to transplantation globally
  5. Making a change worldwide by generating and disseminating information in the field of pediatric transplantation through the publication of our journal, Pediatric Transplantation
For more information, visit the IPTA section website.